Document Checker

Check you have the right documents before you submit them

Please select at least one document that you are able to provide from the two lists below.

Group A

Group B

You must provide two documents, at least one document from group A and at least one from group B. The combination of documents you provide MUST show your name, address and date of birth.

If these are missing your documents will be rejected and this will cause a delay in completing your application.

I verified my documents by:

ID checker

An ID Checker for an organisation must be someone who: (download PDF form / download Word form)

  • Is not related to you by birth, marriage or in a personal relationship with you (this includes partners, in-laws, and step-parents)
  • Does not live at the same address as you
  • Is a member of the organisation you are applying through

An ID Checker for an individual must be someone who: (download PDF form / download Word form)

  • Has personally known you for at least 12 months
  • Is not related to you by birth or marriage, or in a personal relationship with you (this includes partners, in-laws, and step-parents)
  • Does not live at the same address as you
The responsible person must complete all the above steps. If one of above is missing your documents will be rejected and this will cause a delay in completing your application.
The combination of the documents you have selected would meet the requirements.